Monday, September 22, 2008

Bite me

So my day is actually realxed now, scince the screaming stopped. I decided to be atotal tech-head and take apart my remote control. It was all good and I got most of it back together before my mom found out. Well at least I'm not grounded because i said it was for a science project, Ha! I don't have science this term! lol well my life is pretty boring at this moment so I decided to reflect on some theories I've had. a) love who loves unless they're doing it for publicity then just eat ice cream :) ! lol b) never ever tell grandma to **** off that causes pain. c) accept that when your 18 you get to leave home if its horrid! *party* so yes my ALL MIGHTY lessons. My friends say I'm crazy but I don't listen just cause I like metalica and slip knot jeez guys grow up they are amazing!!!!!! So live life have fun and remember tomorrow the goddess is happy UNTAMED comes out in Canada. So feel free to have an UNTAMED party.
So don't forget.
Merry meet,
Merry part,
And Merry meet again!
Blessed me, us fledglings actually have to go to school in an hour!!!! (damn i forgot to do equess homework!!)

Blood and lies, how they are tied.

Well I get home today and it wasn't so bad. I was up late last night Reading Extras. My Papa was in the front room looking at the flyer's, giving me time to think. I have this theory about a friend of mine, I think shes a pathological liar. Plus also I'm very worried about her mental stability. You see by the 'fad' terms shes an 'Emo' but to my shes suicidal. She feels alone in the world and has a crummy home life. The lying doesn't bother me cause I can normally tell but shes lying allot lately and not caring who sees her arms, a few weeks ago she would have freaked if anyone found out. I'm worried because normally with a mentally unstable person dramatic changes can trigger a reaction, be it a mental breakdown or suicide attempt. I'm really worried because her mom doesn't pay enough attention to notice this. So when is the appropriate time to step in and call for help? Wait until its too late or start now? Well for now 'm keeping an eye on her, maybe she'll go back to the girl I know and love like a sister.

well on another life altering topic. As I began t write this my Grand parents had a huge fight, I mean like an explosion. I've never heard my Papa yell before and I'm pretty sure I never want to again. This is my Grandma's second marriage so if this falls apart it'll be messy. Sadly stuck in the middle of a human life *sigh*. Now where's my wine.....
Blessed Be!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Okay so my second post today, I'm on a roll!
I thought maybe you guys wanted to know more about me (if anyone read this). Well I just started high school. It's not as bad as I thought, I'm in the stupid ppl clases so I'm getting good marks. My friends are really cool snd understand me so I'm happy in that department. Now I'm about to drop a bomb so be prepared. Four years ago my uncle commited sucide, after this most of my family fell apart. I saw my cousin over the summer by accident, and shes growing up so fast. I love my family even though they make me mad. I love my friends because they're always there to support me. I have an older brother, by ten years, hes pretty amazing. Most of my disscussions will be about books or the drama I've experianced, (which is alot). So have a great day and Blessed Be!

God, not another family dinner.

So my day has been all fun and games. Reading and listening to my music. But the dreaded family dinner is quickly aproaching. I hate it when your forced to be with people who are a) older than you, b) less interesting that you, and my favourite, C) think your a freak. I mean regular dinner in my house is akward (especialy when some one asks how I liked it.). My mom always tells me to shut up when I start talking about something dark. Like last night I had a heated debate with my Grandma if Jacob Black (Twilight) was really worth all my hate. To show where my loialties lie I'm wearing my tean Edward shirt. Also I swear my Moms trying to convert me, this morning she said its stupid to want to sleep outside in the middle of September only because there was a full moon. Well we'll see if on soundhaim (holloween). If you get eaten by evil spirits its not my fault.
So hopefully you don't think I'm a freak (I'd understand if you do.). I'm just being myself, a vampire! lol I wish, I just have my beliefs that vampires are amazing. lol well time to go spare the dogs from torture, my Grmadmother is being obsessive.