Sunday, September 21, 2008

God, not another family dinner.

So my day has been all fun and games. Reading and listening to my music. But the dreaded family dinner is quickly aproaching. I hate it when your forced to be with people who are a) older than you, b) less interesting that you, and my favourite, C) think your a freak. I mean regular dinner in my house is akward (especialy when some one asks how I liked it.). My mom always tells me to shut up when I start talking about something dark. Like last night I had a heated debate with my Grandma if Jacob Black (Twilight) was really worth all my hate. To show where my loialties lie I'm wearing my tean Edward shirt. Also I swear my Moms trying to convert me, this morning she said its stupid to want to sleep outside in the middle of September only because there was a full moon. Well we'll see if on soundhaim (holloween). If you get eaten by evil spirits its not my fault.
So hopefully you don't think I'm a freak (I'd understand if you do.). I'm just being myself, a vampire! lol I wish, I just have my beliefs that vampires are amazing. lol well time to go spare the dogs from torture, my Grmadmother is being obsessive.

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