Sunday, September 21, 2008


Okay so my second post today, I'm on a roll!
I thought maybe you guys wanted to know more about me (if anyone read this). Well I just started high school. It's not as bad as I thought, I'm in the stupid ppl clases so I'm getting good marks. My friends are really cool snd understand me so I'm happy in that department. Now I'm about to drop a bomb so be prepared. Four years ago my uncle commited sucide, after this most of my family fell apart. I saw my cousin over the summer by accident, and shes growing up so fast. I love my family even though they make me mad. I love my friends because they're always there to support me. I have an older brother, by ten years, hes pretty amazing. Most of my disscussions will be about books or the drama I've experianced, (which is alot). So have a great day and Blessed Be!

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